Why lithium battery deteriorates in capacity with usage

So far Lithium-based batteries have been standard source of power in all the smartphones. These batteries are not ever lasting and have specific life after which they become unserviceable. By the time they get 500 times charge one fifth of the capacity of the battery is lost. This is not reversible feature. The manufacturers and inventors have always been on the hunt to look forward the better solution and devise a battery for the mobile phones which is longer lasting if not everlasting.

A very deep study of t he lithium batteries have been carried out to find out the exact process of charging and discharging in these batteries. Ultimately they found out that cracks on the electrodes start emerging when the battery is discharging current under the stress of use. These cracks keep reducing the capacity of the battery and reducing the battery life. These cracked electrodes no more remain good to h old the charge and the battery capacity is reduced and ultimately diminished.

There is one more reason for reducing the battery capacity over period of time that a layer of solid-electrolyte interphase is formed on the electrode’s surface and cause “clogging” and this phenomenon blocks the ability to take charge.

Some alternative materials have been researched and found metals like magnesium, aluminum, or copper are the potential candidates to be used in future batteries. However the study is also needed to research how the deterioration in Lithium batteries can be eliminated or reduced to minimum and a solution to improve the lithium based batteries.

Maqahmed , 2015-12-23 07:45:48   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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