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Transfer Android Contact Into The IPhone - Mobile57
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Transfer Android Contact into the iPhone

If you change your mobile and buy the new one then you have to face the headache and the difficulty gets multiplied if the smartphone is made by two different manufacturers and the operating system of the handsets are also changed.

Well, every problem has the solution. As the technology grows the problem and the solutions are also originated and the users have the facilities from the manufacturers and they provide different tools to the users for shifting their data from one to another mobile. Some applications make this shifting process easy than others and handling the data shifting scenario without any trouble even if users want to change the data from Android Mobile to iOS Phone. The most important date in any smartphone is the contact list, emails and events calendar. Here we are going to awake the users how they shift their data from one to another. Users just need to follow some simple steps and they see how the painful data shifting process gets easy.

First Turn On your Android Mobile by selecting the Google account from the setting menu. This will show you the Google account which is synced to the mobile now chose the main account.

Check if your Email, Calendar, and Contacts are actually checked and syncing. If this is the case – you are done here.

Now open your iPhone open up Settings and scroll down to Mail, Contacts or Calendars. See accounts option on the top and select Add Account.

Select Google.

Now enter your name, Gmail account and password, and a brief description of the account, should you feel the need to make it easily discernable.

Once iOS manages to log into your Google account, it will ask you what information you want it to extract from there. Just select whatever you wish to add and you are done.

These are the steps which give the easiest data transfer steps to the users and they can shift their data from one to another smartphone however the manufacturing company and operating system are different.


Maqahmed , 2015-12-24 06:34:14   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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