Tips To Keep The Siri Silent And Get Rid From Unwanted Voice Notifications

Many  iOS users feel irritation while they are using the iPhone because of Siri which is the most efficient feature of iOS because the Siri feature activated automatically when the cell phone is in use and users don’t need any suggestion from active agent and wanted turn the agent off and for they need to perform a bit lengthy procedure. They need to press the home buttons for a long while and then select the Siri Off.

But sometimes users required silent help from Siri and they don’t like to use the voice assistance from this so there is a way to keep the Siri client as much as possible but the agent is activated. In iOS, 9 users have the option to Link the Siri’s voice feedback with their iPhone ringtone and if they switched the command the Siri remain silent until the users did not allow the agent to speak. For utilizing these feature users need to activate some settings and the tips got activated and star working. The setting steps are listed below.

1.    First users need to go in setting menu and select the venerable settings and see the pre-installed iOS tips thoroughly.

2.    In setting menu, they need to choose general and then move towards Siri which is listed below.

3.    When users tap the Siri option the sub-menu gets open and from them they need to check Voice Feedback which appears at the bottom of the menu. Users need to check the status.

4.    After this, the Siri Voice command menu pop up and the option select always on by default.

5.    When users tab the menu the new pop up appears and from them they need to select the option Control with ring switch after checking the option the option starts controlling the Siri feedback behavior with the iOS device.


Once done the option gets activated and start working in a logical manner. Users get the rid from unwanted voice feedback, suggestion and commands from Apple’s most efficient agent Siri and the assistant work silently and when they desire that agent speaks they should turn the voice feedback on the agent start speaking.    

Maqahmed , 2015-12-23 05:18:09   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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