Some Hidden Features Of Android and their Functions

The same Android operated devices work differently if they are from different manufacturers. Sometimes they are so different because of tempering by the manufacturing company and they give the impression as if the devices is not android operated. The basic Android operating system comes with the basic functions only or you may say the core stack of code and all other features are incorporated by the manufacturers themselves. They are third party developed features. Therefore, all features that one Android smartphone may have can be missing in the other. Many of the features may not be useful or frequently used therefore they remain hidden. Here we are describing some hidden features in Android operating system in different smartphones.

Wi-Fi certificates

If you are trying to connect your device through Wi-Fi network, you may have to cross some existing Wi-Fi connections available. All the networks available may not allow you to connect with internet atypical example is of a personal device being connected with the network of some other organization which may not allow the use of its network by personal devices

Access Point Name (APNs)

If you are using the Android device on some network, it may have inbuilt automatic configuration facility. However, you have to provide the name of the Access Point to the carrier to allow you to connect with the network. Although it is not the complicated affair it’s only matter of putting things straight and in order so that you are connected with the right network.


This feature works with Chrome cast dongle that means the ability to connect your device with the smart TV or some other connected monitor already streaming a program. If you are connected through Chrome cast you can send the data to the bigger screen which is connected on the same network.

Encrypt phone

Some devices require Encrypting for the sake of security of your device and your data. Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 come already Encrypted whereas on other devices you may have to complete the process yourself. The purpose is to secure your data, apps, and media against any hacking or theft attack. You will need to have a password before operating a device. It is the only meter of security and protection of your device

Screen pinning


This feature is available in Android 5.0 Lollipop which allows you to share your device the other people but with a limited access because you do not trust them and share it only occasionally for some need. Here in this feature you can specify the particular device to be shared and not to all of the same kinds. This feature is giving only in Lollipop version. All the devices running this version of the operating system may not be having this facility as we said other features are developed by the manufacturers through third party developers. 

Maqahmed , 2015-12-23 05:37:31   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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