There is no doubt that the handset packed with full of latest features and has very well configured. Samsung always prefer the convenience for their users and this is the main point to increase their clientele. Samsung always launched the handsets with different configuration and in different prices. There are number of devices present from low rang, mid range to high range handsets and they all works prefect. Recently company revealed the handset known as Galaxy Avant.

The handset is packed with many good features and users need a time to capture the every aspect of the handset but the users are afraid to lose the battery power while using the handset for a long time continuously and only because of this reason they stop themselves for exploring the features of the handset. If you want to brows your handset and see all the features don’t worry we will let you know the save the battery power and you can explore your handset with the power you saved from the battery. Your handset needs only few basic setting and it can be save the power and increase the battery life as well. Try the stated below tips and enjoy your handset as you like.


Turn On The Power Saving Mode:


This is the basic and first step who save the battery power without disturbing the other handset settings for enabling this feature you just go in to “Apps” menu from the home screen and from their select “Settings” option in the settings menu the option present “Quick Settings” select “Power saving” select “Power saving mode”, Set the “Power Saving Mode” switch to “ON”. This option will take care of extra battery consuming and increase the battery life by saving the power of the battery.


Set Ultra Power Saving Mode ON:


Select “Apps” from the home screen than tap “Settings” and switch to “Quick Settings”. Select “Power saving” there is option present named “Ultra power saving mode”, Set the “Ultra power saving mode” switch the option in to “ON” then press “OK”. The setting gets changed and the handset saves the extra power of the battery.


Changing App Sync Settings:


First follow the same step as basic go in to “Apps” from home screen and select “Settings” and swipe to “Network Connections”. Now find and select “Data usage” and enter in to the “Menu”. Uncheck the check box next to “Auto sync data” and press “OK”. After performing this setting the list of apps available for viewing just scroll down the list and select an app to manually change its sync settings.



Turn Off Background Data:


Open the apps drawer and select “Settings”, Under “Network Connections”, option appear “Data usage”, Press “Menu” and mark the “Restrict background data” check box than press OK. This simple step restricts the unnecessary data and applications from ruing and consumes the battery power.

Update your handset time to time:


many times software updates contains many improvements to the phone’s power management system for giving the higher battery life. As such, it is recommended to keep your Galaxy Avant up to date by performing some easy steps


Go in to “Apps” from the home screen, go to “Settings” and select “System”, now open “About device” and select “Software update” than press OK for confirmation. If an update is available the handsets retrieves the updates automatically and notify the user and update the handset software automatically.


However these tips are very small and if you want to apply them they only take a few minutes but these tips increase the battery life and enhance the performance of the handset.


Maqahmed , 2015-12-26 06:01:21   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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