Introduction Mobile57

Mobile phone has a travelled a long way with a short span of time. It started with discovery of wireless communication system primarily developed for military purposes. Starting from Second World War wireless technology kept developing at a very fast pace. The technology remained restricted to military use but in seventies it was made available to everyone for use in daily life. Later the technology further improved and transistors and tubes were replaced by ICs (integrated circuits) compressing many functions in very small circuits. Further inventions made it more wonderful and compressed more functions, we can say hundreds of them, in very miniaturized gadgets.

It is basically the electronics combined with wireless technology that has done the wonder. It is a travel towards miniaturization and adding more. Now from necessity it has changed more into an entertainment sort of instrument and yet more useful features are being added to a mobile making it now android, a human robot. This hardware functions on the principles and efficiency of human brain. The manufacturers have done wonders in making them and stuffing the market with such wonderful devices.

Initially it was owned by those who needed communication very badly for their business but now it is in the hands of every person living on the globe. Recently it has been surveyed that very young users around the age of 5 to 8 are ever increasing. About 20 to 05 per cent of them use it.

It all depends upon awareness which comes to us by internet marketing and advertising through the media of all types. is one such site which is one stop solution for all the queries of the users where they can know all about smart phones, android ad tablet. It contains reviews of all nature and provides information in diversity and variety in all aspects. Here is a review telling you how to protect the software of your mobile with some antivirus. The other introduces another mobile describing it a huge data bank and yet another review is about androids and w p 8.1. Each one is describing the features of different mobiles making it a wonder of the world. No doubt, these devices are more wonderful the wonders of the world of the past. Its utility in education is also being highlighted and if you have nothing else to do the entertainment features are there to while away your time. is itself a huge data bank on all mobiles available in the market and in fact it globalizes your product. Mobile is not something local but has gone global. Any model that is available in one country is available throughout the world simultaneously. is a comprehensive site for all information on mobiles. It you start visiting the gallery of pics, it inexhaustible and one gets tired seeing them with all relevant information on their individual feature and prices.

In the news section you get all developments and current happenings on any mobile. Anything upcoming is shown on

Maqahmed , 2015-12-28 06:35:15   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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