Samsung Gear IconX Blog

Samsung’s been known to pay special attention to its “Gear” accessories and it shows off, in the form of an irreplaceable, respectable and adaptable line of smart wearables. With the release of the VR headset this year, we thought that we’d seen all the gear tech for this year butSamsung apparently had more in store. Samsung has just announced its truly wireless earbuds that go by the name: Samsung Gear IconX. Although they provide a handsome music streaming experience, Samsung is not exactly advertising these as mere earphones but they are calling it a fitness tracking device much like the S Health but embodied and independent. Here’s why:

 The Samsung Gear IconX is loaded with sensors all over it that keep their user updated about their heart rate, the number of steps they’ve taken and the approximate number of calories they’ve burnt. In other words it’s the embodiment of the S health that sits in your ear. You don’t have to sneak a peek at your cell phone or fitness watch screens to know your stats; with these, all you have to do is listen. They let you know all the details of your workout by announcing them in your ears. Also don’t worry about the hassle to pop them back in your ear every now and then because they won’t fall out. Samsung’s comfortable design includes hooks that get locked in you ear’s cartilage. They also come in a handful of sizes to keep users at ease.

Of course they allow music streaming as well. While not the primal purpose of these earbuds, they do let you stream music both from your phone and themselves. This is where these buds stand out. They have a 4GB internal storage dedicated to audio files. You can either have these connect to your phone or move your music onto its onboard storage and leave your cellphone at your place when you leave for workout. It must also be noted that this device does not rely on S Health or its data, it creates its own independent data and syncs it to S Health when connectivity allows. These are standalone earbuds and go well with any functioning phone out there (Android 4.4 or above) except for the iOS devices.

These earphones also allow you to interact with your music. There are touchpads at the back of each of the earphones. You can dedicate swiping or touching gestures to activities of your liking e.g. volume up, down, play, skip, shuffle, pause etc. Also remarkable is their noise cancelling ability and their pure sound.

Their battery life is not exceptional but is still applause worthy at the same time given its size. With full charge they allow 3 hours 30 minutes of fitness tracking and music streaming if they’re not connected via Bluetooth to your handset. Upon connection however, their battery life reduces to one and a half hour. To provide compensation for this, Samsung has made a case for these that stores 2 times the maximum amount of charge. All you have to do when you run out of juice is pop them out, place them in their case and wait for them to charge again.


They’re expected to cost around $199.99 upon their release. Note that this price tag includes the charger case as well. We feel that if they live up to what Samsung’s been boasting, they are definitely a steal and a smack in the face of Samsung’s rivals. 

Maqahmed , 2016-07-08 03:17:54   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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