Best water proof smartphones 2014

Technology gets compressed day by day. Smartphones play a very important role in our daily life. This is one of the latest means of communication and gets the people in touch every second. Most of the smartphones lovers love to use the smartphone with large screen but they need to be careful and save their smartphones from water and dust. They know pouring of water damages their dreamy handset and there is a change they lose t their useful data forever, but once again we should be thankful to the modern age.


This year many manufactures revealed the handsets with all new water resistance feature. Users get shocked when they know about this feature. New technology gives chance to the users to use their handset in the rain or in the water but to the limited time. There is a limit of water has been set and the smartphone can be alive for sometime in the particular limit and saves users data. Let us see in 2014 what best handsets users have with this smart feature.


Sony Xperia Z2


Sony is the giant of manufacturing of home appliances, tablets and smartphones. The company first introduced smartphone with water resistant feature. The fist handset with this smart feature was revealed in 2013 named “Xperia Z”. Later company made the complete series with this smart feature. The handsets in Xperia Z series have a good configuration and they all have an IP58 certification, means they all are water proof. The latest example of this series is Xperia Z2. This is the most current example with water proof resistant feature.

Samsung Galaxy S5


Samsung is also one of the leading brands to make the electronics and smartphones. In 2014 Samsung reveal the handset named Galaxy S5. The handset has a water proof body and can be alive up to 30 minutes under 3.5 feet water. Users can easily use the handset in the rain as well as in the pool.


Samsung Galaxy S5 Active


This is the next version of Galaxy G5 giant. The handset has many powerful features but main two features of the handset are Shock proof and water proof. If the power fluctuates during charging the handset adjusts the supply automatically and the handset also resists under water. This handset is especially designed for AT&T.


Sony Xperia Z1 Compact


We already let users know that the Sony initially introduced the feature known as water proof. The Xperia Z1 is another sequel of the series. Galaxy S5 and Xperia Z2 are the large handsets and sometimes users feel irritated to carry the giant one but in the case of Xperia Z1. This is the compact and handy device and has 4.3 inches display. Users feel convenient to carry this handy device with them.


These are the few giants we have a complete list of such devices and besides these few we have lots of other handsets with this smart features. Well we will share the complete list with the users some other time but we should not forget to the latest technology that gives us this opportunity and provides the support in our daily life.


Maqahmed , 2015-12-26 06:27:26   Like : 0 ,    DisLike : 0    Comments : 0

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